Journal articles and book chapters
Sharkey, Patrick and Megan Kang. 2023. "The era of progress on gun mortality: State gun regulations and gun deaths from 1991-2016." Epidemiology.
Shen, Yinzhi and Patrick Sharkey. 2022. "When and Where Does Violence Beget Violence?" Preventive Medicine.
Sharkey, Patrick, and Alisabeth Marsteller. 2022. "Neighborhood Inequality and Violence in Chicago, 1965–2020." University of Chicago Law Review 89(2).
Sharkey, Patrick, and Yinzhi Shen. 2021. “The Effect of Mass Shootings on Daily Emotions is Limited by Time, Geographic Proximity, and Political Affiliation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:23.
Glazer, Elizabeth and Patrick Sharkey. 2021. "Social Fabric: A New Model for Public Safety and Vital Neighborhoods." The Square One Project.
Aaronson, Daniel, Jacob Faber, Daniel Hartley, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Sharkey, Patrick. 2021. “The Long-run Effects of the 1930s HOLC “Redlining” Maps on Place-based Measures of Economic Opportunity and Socioeconomic Success.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 86: 103622.
Schwartz, Amy Ellen, Agustina Laurito, Johanna Lacoe, Patrick Sharkey, and Ingrid Gould Ellen. 2021. “The academic effects of chronic exposure to neighbourhood violence.” Urban Studies.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2019. “Violence and Criminal Justice.” In Antidemocracy in America, Eric Klinenberg, Caitlin Zaloom, and Sharon Marcus, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.
Laurito, Agustina, Johanna Lacoe, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Patrick Sharkey, and Ingrid Gould Ellen. 2019. “School climate and the impact of neighborhood crime on test scores.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 5(2): 141-166.
Besbris, Max, Jacob Faber, and Patrick Sharkey. 2019. “Disentangling the Effects of Race and Place in Economic Transactions: Findings from an Online Field Experiment” City and Community 18(2): 529-555.
Sharkey, Patrick and Michael Friedson. 2019. “The Impact of the Homicide Decline on Life Expectancy of African American Males.” Demography 56(2): 645-663.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2018. “The Long Reach of Violence: A Broader Perspective on Data, Theory, and Evidence on the Prevalence and Consequences of Exposure to Violence.” Annual Review of Criminology 1:14.1-14.17.
Heissel, Jenni, Patrick Sharkey, Gerard Torrats-Espinosa, Kathryn E. Grant, and Emma K. Adam. 2018. “Violence and Vigilance: The Acute Effects of Community Violent Crime on Sleep and Cortisol.” Child Development 89(4): e323-e331.
Besbris, Max, Jacob Faber, Peter Rich, and Patrick Sharkey. 2018. “The Geography of Stigma: Experimental Methods to Identify the Penalty of Place.” In Audit Studies: Behind the Scenes with Theory, Method and Nuance, Michael Gaddis (ed.) New York: Springer.
Sharkey, Patrick, Gerard Torrats-Espinosa and Delaram Takyar. 2017. “Community and the Crime Decline: The Causal Effect of Local Nonprofits on Violent Crime.” American Sociological Review 82(6):1214-40.
Sharkey, Patrick and Gerard Torrats-Espinosa. 2017. “The Effect of Violent Crime on Economic Mobility.” Journal of Urban Economics 102: 22-33.
Galster, George and Patrick Sharkey. 2017. “Spatial Foundations of Inequality: A Conceptual Model and Empirical Overview.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 3(2): 1-33.
Sharkey, Patrick, Robert D. Putnam, and Margery Turner. 2016. “Rebuilding Communities to Help Close the Opportunity Gap.” Closing the Opportunity Gap Report. Cambridge, MA: The Saguaro Seminar: Harvard University Kennedy School of Government.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2016. “Neighborhoods, Cities, and Economic Mobility.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 2(2): 159-177.
Lacoe, Johanna and Patrick Sharkey. 2016. “Life in a Crime Scene: Stop, Question, and Frisk Activity in New York City Neighborhoods in the Aftermath of Homicides.” Sociological Science 3:116-134.
Sharkey, Patrick and Robert Sampson. 2015. “Violence, Cognition, and Neighborhood Inequality in America.” Chapter 13 in Social Neuroscience: Brain, Mind, and Society, Russell Schutt, Matcheri S. Keshavan, and Larry J. Seidman, eds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Sharkey, Patrick, Max Besbris and Michael Friedson. 2015. “Poverty and Crime.” Chapter 27 in Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Society, Linda Burton and David Brady, eds. New York: Oxford University Press.
Besbris, Max, Jacob Faber, Peter Rich and Patrick Sharkey. 2015. “The Effect of Neighborhood Stigma on Economic Transactions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(16) 4994-8.
Friedson, Michael and Patrick Sharkey. 2015. “Violence and Neighborhood Disadvantage after the Crime Decline.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 660:341-358.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2015. “Geographic Migration of Black and White Families over Four Generations.” Demography 52(1):209-231.
McCoy, Dana Charles, C. Cybele Raver, and Patrick Sharkey. 2015. “Children’s Cognitive Performance and Selective Attention Following Recent Community Violence.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 56:19-36.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2015. Review of “On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City,” by Alice Goffman. Social Service Review 89(2): 407-412.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2014. “Spatial Segmentation and the Black Middle Class.” American Journal of Sociology 119(4): 903-954.
Sharkey, Patrick, Amy Ellen Schwartz, Ingrid Gould Ellen, and Johanna Lacoe. 2014. “High Stakes in the Classroom, High Stakes on the Street: The Effects of Community Violence on Students’ Standardized Test Performance.” Sociological Science 1: 199-220.
Sharkey, Patrick and Jacob Faber. 2014. “Where, When, Why, and For Whom Do Residential Contexts Matter? Moving away from the Dichotomous Understanding of Neighborhood Effects.” Annual Review of Sociology 40:559-579.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2013. Review of “Persistence, Privilege, and Parenting: The Comparative Study of Intergenerational Mobility,’ edited by Timothy M. Smeeding, Robert Erikson, and Markus Jantti. Social Service Review 87:386-391.
Graham, Bryan and Patrick Sharkey. 2013. “Mobility and the Metropolis: The Relationship between Inequality in Urban Communities and Economic Mobility.” Washington, D.C.: The Economic Mobility Project, An Initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2012. “Residential Mobility and the Reproduction of Unequal Neighborhoods.” Cityscape 114: 9-32.
Sharkey, Patrick, Nicole Strayer, Andrew Papachristos, and Cybele Raver. 2012. “The Effect of Local Violence on Children’s Attention and Impulse Control.” American Journal of Public Health 102:2287-2293.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2012. “An Alternative Approach to Addressing Selection into and out of Social Settings: Neighborhood Change and African American Children’s Economic Outcomes.” Sociological Methods & Research 41:251-293.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2012. “Temporary Integration, Resilient Inequality: Race and Neighborhood Change in the Transition to Adulthood.” Demography 49:889-912.
Burdick-Will, Julia, Jens Ludwig, Stephen Raudenbush, Robert Sampson, Lisa Sanbonmatsu, and Patrick Sharkey. 2011. “Converging Evidence for Neighborhood Effects on Children’s Test Scores: An Experimental, Quasiexperimental, and Observational Comparison.” Pp. 255-276 in Whither Opportunity? Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children’s Life Chances, Greg Duncan and Richard Murnane, eds. New York: Russell Sage.
Sharkey, Patrick and Felix Elwert. 2011. “The Legacy of Disadvantage: Multigenerational Neighborhood Effects on Cognitive Ability.” American Journal of Sociology 116: 1934-1981.
Sharkey, Patrick and Robert J. Sampson. 2010. “Destination Effects: Residential Mobility and Trajectories of Adolescent Violence in a Stratified Metropolis.” Criminology 48: 639-681.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2010. “The Acute Effect of Local Homicides on Children’s Cognitive Performance.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:11733-11738.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2009. “Neighborhoods and the Black-White Mobility Gap.” Washington, D.C.: The Economic Mobility Project, An Initiative of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2008. “The Intergenerational Transmission of Context.” American Journal of Sociology 113: 931-969.
Sampson, Robert J. and Patrick Sharkey. 2008. “Neighborhood Selection and the Social Reproduction of Concentrated Racial Inequality.” Demography 45:1-29.
Sampson, Robert J., Patrick Sharkey, and Stephen Raudenbush. 2008. “Durable Effects of Concentrated Disadvantage on Verbal Ability among African-American Children.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:845-852.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2008. Review of “Blue-Chip Black: Race, Class and Status in the New Black Middle Class” (by Karyn Lacy). Contemporary Sociology 37: 324-326.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2007. “Survival and Death in New Orleans: An Empirical Look at the Human Impact of Hurricane Katrina.” Journal of Black Studies (Special Issue on Katrina, Race, Class, and Poverty) 37:482-501.
Ratcliffe, Caroline, Demetra Nightingale, and Patrick Sharkey. 2007. “Welfare Program Performance: An Analysis of South Carolina’s Family Independence Program.” American Review of Public Administration 37:65-90.
Sharkey, Patrick. 2006. “Navigating Dangerous Streets: The Sources and Consequences of Street Efficacy.” American Sociological Review 71:826-846.
Winship, Scott, Matissa Hollister, Joel Horwich, Patrick Sharkey, and Christopher Wimer. 2005. “Promoting Educational Achievement & Opportunity through Summer Scholarships.” Cambridge, MA and Washington, D.C.: Published jointly by The Center for American Progress and New Vision: An Institute for Policy and Progress.
Lane, Julia, Kelly Mikelson, Patrick Sharkey, and Doug Wissoker. 2003. “Pathways to Work for the Low-Income Population: The Effect of Work in the Temporary Help Industries.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 22:581-598.
Ratcliffe, Caroline, Patrick Sharkey and Demetra Nightingale. 2002. “Measuring and Assessing County Welfare Performance: A Performance Analysis of the South Carolina Family Independence Program.” Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Burt, Martha and Patrick Sharkey. 2002. “The Role of Medicaid in Improving Access to Care for Homeless People.” Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Aron, Laudon Y. and Patrick Sharkey. 2002. “The 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients: A Comparison of Faith-Based and Secular Non-Profit Programs.” Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Burt, Martha, Dave Pollack, Abby Sosland, Kelly Mikelson, Elizabeth Drapa, Kristy Greenwalt, and Patrick Sharkey. 2002. “Evaluation of Continuums of Care for the Homeless.” Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Anton, Thomas, Jack Coombs, Richard Francis, and Patrick Sharkey. 2001. “Against the Tide: Welfare Reform in Rhode Island.” Providence, RI: Brown University Policy Reports.